Orders placed between Jan 23 - Feb 5 will be shipped starting Feb 6. All Avensi Wave orders will be shipped starting Feb 17. Our warehouse will be on holiday for Chinese New Year. Thanks for your patience, Coffee Adventurers!

Part 6 of 9: Testing Our First Glass Prototypes — The Verdict?

Will Our Glass Prototypes Work? The Big Breakthrough

We spent months searching and interviewing the best glass manufacturers with experience and expertise creating double walled glass products. After narrowing down the list of 50 manufacturers to our top 3 picks, we worked with them to fabricate dozens of prototypes with different characteristic shapes and variations based on our research.

As soon as the shipment of prototypes landed at our doorstep, we sprung into action and contacted every coffee expert in our network. Our goal was simple – to answer two key questions:

(1) Would our prototypes perform as well as we hoped?

(2) Which shapes are best for enhancing the most desirable flavor notes in coffee?

The first stop on our list was at our good friend Nueng’s coffee shop in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We created a simple rubric and experimented with Nueng to measure the differences between each shape variation and a regular coffee cup. His reaction? Priceless. 

He was amazed at the different flavor notes exhibited by each cup; simple variations in the shape and thickness of the rim altered the intensity of sweetness, acidity, clarity, body, and finish. After 4 hours of testing, our first experiment was a huge success, but this was just the beginning of our journey. 

We couldn’t just settle for a single data point, we wanted as much feedback from the community as possible to truly understand which shapes would have the best impact on your coffee’s flavor.

Strength in Numbers – Support from the Global Coffee Community

Over the next 3 months, we travelled across the world to meet with coffee shop owners, world champion baritas, coffee sensory experts, and even champion bartenders and wine sommeliers to evaluate and rigorously test our prototypes. 

"The results became crystal clear: just like wine and whiskey, the shape of your coffee cup matters."

During this prototype testing phase, we learned that by using a cup that’s crafted to properly showcase your favorite coffee’s flavor notes, you can transform your freshly brewed cup into an experience that you’ll love to savor.

We cannot emphasize enough how grateful we are to have had such a tremendous outpouring of support from the global coffee community. Without the involvement of so many passionate individuals, AVENSI wouldn’t be what it is today.

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